Bridging the GAP

This week you are getting access to the following tools and resources...

Bridge the GAP Visual Thinking Template

The Bridge the GAP Visual Thinking template takes you through a visual method you can use to overcome adversity and accomplish your goals.

A Visual Approach to Overcoming Adversity

This template provides you with a visual method for overcoming adversity and for achieving your goals. It helps you visualize your current reality, desired reality, resources, obstacles and the steps you need to take to achieve your goal.

Your maps have given me insight into areas that have held me back and have helped in those cases start the road forward. Though at times it has been two steps forward and three steps back, your maps have shown me how not to give up or give in.

Michael Chandler

Download Your IQ Matrix Resources

Below you will find links to this week's IQ Matrix resources.

Bridge the GAP Visual Thinking Template

The Bridge the GAP Visual Thinking template takes you through a visual method you can use to overcome adversity and accomplish your goals.

  • Visualize Your Current Reality.

  • Visualize Your Desired Reality.

  • Visualize Your Resources.

  • Visualize Your Obstacles.

  • Visualize the Steps You Need to Take to Accomplish Your Goal.

If you found this template of value, then you'll probably enjoy working through the Doodle for Self-Development Course. In this course I take you through video tutorials and examples on how to use 20 visual thinking templates for upgrading your life and achieving your goals.

IQ Matrix FAQ

Answers to questions you may have about the resources contained within this module.

What's purpose does this visual thinking template serve?

This template is ideal to use whenever you set a difficult or ambitious goal. It's especially useful for goals where you're bound to face a plethora of challenges, obstacles, and adversity. It's for those goals you desperately want to achieve, but at the same time feel a little reluctant because of fear or uncertainty.


The Bridge the GAP visual thinking template is broken down into specific sections that will assist you with building a step-by-step action plan for goal achievement. Feel free to download and print it for doodling purposes. 🙂


This particular visual thinking metaphor is quite powerful as it provides you with a platform for bridging the gap between where you are today and where you would ideally like to be in the future.


Often, most of us struggle to bridge this gap because the gap is often filled with many obstacles that come in the form of emotions, excuses, people, circumstances, lack of skill, knowledge, limiting beliefs, etc. Just the thought of these obstacles makes us feel uncomfortable. So even though we want to desperately achieve this goal, we won't dare take the necessary steps to bring that goal to fruition. There's just too much uncertainty sitting on the horizon.


The purpose of this template is to help you to firstly, clarify what it is you want; secondly, to identify the obstacles standing in your way; and thirdly, to develop a plan of action that will help you bridge the gap between your current reality and your desired reality.


This exercise is simple, however, don’t let that fool you. The simplest of things can often have a lasting and powerful impact on your lives. And this is one of those things. 🙂

What are the benefits of using visual metaphors such as this?

Can you provide a practical example?

Do you have any guidelines for using this visual thinking template?

I would like to learn how to doodle. Can you help me?

Recommended IQ Matrix Bundles

The following IQ Matrix bundles explore how to set more effective goals, how to overcome adversity while in the pursuit of those goals, and how to take ownership of your results without making excuses.


Each IQ Matrix represents a cluster of thoughts about a single topic. It’s like a neuron network of interconnected thoughts where you meticulously explore the brain of someone who has successfully mastered the topic. You then take those thought clusters and implant them into your own brain as you use the map. Kind of like a software upgrade for your brain.


Each map effectively categorizes the most important and actionable ideas about a topic into conveniently digestible chunks. It uses keywords and questions in a sentence-like structure that’s easy to follow and understand.


Each map uses a combination of keywords, colors and images designed in an organic radial-like structure that naturally helps improve memory while encouraging photographic recall of the information you are exploring.​


Each map provides you with a comprehensive bird’s eye view of the topic. Subsequently, you gain deeper insights as you're better able to recognize how various ideas are interlinked together to form the whole topic.​

  • Melbourne, Australia



At IQ Matrix we condense and simplify 100s of self-growth topics and turn them into beautiful reference posters that you can use for daily guidance and inspiration. Online since 2008, IQ Matrix has become a go-to source for life coaches and for those seeking personal growth and transformation.

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